What does it mean to have 10th lord in 12th house?
Please Note: This is general prediction and results may vary based on aspects | conjunction | strength of planet, rashi placed etc.
The 10th House in Kundli is the Karma Bhava or Kirti Bhava, the house of social status and is related to the profession you are involved in. Studying this house can reveal your career path. This house naturally corresponds to Capricorn energy whose workaholic tendencies and ambitious goals are commonly known. 10th house represents things like Government, Father, Authority, Fame, Work Environment etc.
Similarly, Twelfth (12th) house is of Losses, Expenses, Isolated Places, Foreign Lands, Foreign Companies, Imagination, Sub-Conscious Mind, Hospitals, Hidden Talent and Secrets of Other World etc. Its also knows as Vyay Bhav | Dhvadhash Bhav | Mukthi Bhav. It is the strongest Moksha place. It is also member of Trik houses. Also know as Dusthsthan place.
So when 10th lord in 12th house it means, due to malefic house involvement of 12th house here things are difficult for 10th lord. Also due to bhavat bhavam 12th house is 3 house apart from 10th house, which also shows lots of hard work, struggle etc. Based on planets and sign involved some of the malefic effects could be reduced and benefic can be seen.
राज्येशे व्ययभावस्थे तस्य राजगृहे व्ययः।
शत्रुतोअ्पि भयं नित्यं चतुरश्चापि चिन्तितः।।
This combination is good for person who does rightful activities, donations and charities, as soul’s path towards salvation is opened up. You are naturally inclined to work in isolation and independently. You may also be working with foreign companies or in places away from your birthplace.
You don’t like daily routine, and enjoy unconventional work. Your career involves creativity or imagination. You always have fear of spotlight, which makes life difficult for you. You may also have career in hospitals and jails. Frequent travel may be needed in this placement.
You have good intuition powers and psychic abilities. This helps you build your karmic side. If activities performed in spiritual side increases chances for souls development and reducing karmic debts. Selfless spiritual guidance should be practiced and you need to help poor and needy people for same. There may be loss of career or fame for sometime in life.
You may face lots of hidden enemies and which will cause for fear and constant work for you. You may have to go a major financial crisis at least once in life if you are in business. You are good in financial resource management which will help you ride through the bad phase in life. You earn well if you perform good deeds and work that involves 12th house areas of scope. Charities and donations will play a significant role in this placement and you are encouraged to do it as much as possible.
You provide dedicated, quality service to others. You will have stress in life. You will face problems due to authoritative people like fatherly figures, government, etc. You may have to face humiliation in social circle which makes you stay isolated meanwhile also wanting recognition from public and this keeps you in stressful situation.
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