What does it mean to have 10th lord in 8th house?
Please Note: This is general prediction and results may vary based on aspects | conjunction | strength of planet, rashi placed etc.
The 10th House in Kundli is the Karma Bhava or Kirti Bhava, the house of social status and is related to the profession you are involved in. Studying this house can reveal your career path. This house naturally corresponds to Capricorn energy whose workaholic tendencies and ambitious goals are commonly known. 10th house represents things like Government, Father, Authority, Fame, Work Environment etc.
Similarly, We have been reading that Eighth is One of Dussthan of Your Horoscope. It is also one member of Trik house, it is also 2nd Moksha sthan of Your Horoscope. 8th house is house of secrecy, occult knowledge, longevity, transformation, death and re-birth, In laws family, joint wealth with spouse, serving other people needs etc.
So when we have 10th lord in 8th house it means, profession or work environment may be involved with hidden or secret things. what gives favorable intonation to this combination is the fact that 10th lord in 8th is in 11th from its own sign. That is because the 11th house signifies auspicious events, celebrations, gains, profits, the fulfillment of desires, etc.
कर्मेशे रन्ध्रभावस्थे कर्महीनो भवेन्नरः।
दीर्धायुरप्यसौ जातः परनिन्दापरायणः।।
Work environment or profession may be involved with chaotic events or very unusual things. You may be seeing lots of transformative events or ups and downs related to your name and fame which may see sudden ups and downs. You may be long lived.
You may be in research oriented things, scientists, miner or spy or detective, astrologer, etc. Your love life or relations will also see lots of ups and downs means sometimes people will love you for what you are and other time same people will hate you for same things. You may be a critic or always criticising others. You may have to face or do low quality or base work or administrative kind of work alot.
You may be always searching for something in life or researching around. Relationships with father or authority figure like boss, etc or government may go through lots of turbulence. Your livelihood or profession may not be stable. You may performs pious deeds that improve your positive karma which results in sudden gains, profits, and prosperity, especially in career, business, or main activity.
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