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What does it mean to have 12th house lord in 4th house?
Please Note: This is general prediction and results may vary based on aspects | conjunction | strength of planet, rashi placed etc.
As we have read about various house, by now we know that Twelfth (12th) house is of Losses, Expenses, Isolated Places, Foreign Lands, Foreign Companies, Imagination, Sub-Concious Mind, Hospitals, Hidden Talent and Secrets of Other World etc. Its also knows as Vyay Bhav | Dhvadhash Bhav | Mukthi Bhav. It is the strongest Moksh place. It is also member of Trik houses. Also known as Dusthsthan place.
We have been reading and you know by now that 4th house represents your home, home environment, homeland, mother, nourishment, childhood friends, peace of mind, conveniences, intuition etc.
So when we have 12th house lord in 4th house it means, you may be a very private person. You are highly intuitive and spiritual person. You would be doing good and best deeds. You may have unnecessary worries.
व्ययेशे सुखभावस्थे मातुः सुखविवर्जितः।
भूमियानगृहादीनां हानिस्तस्य दिने- दिने। ।।
This position creates connection between foreign and home. You may be able to earn from foreign land or MNCs which you will use to buy your own home. Your mother may face health issues. You are a very dreamy person.