What does it mean to have mars (mangal) in 12th house for Cancer (Karka) Ascendant (Lagna)?
What does it mean to have Sun (Surya) in first house of Cancer (Karka) Ascendant (Lagna) ?
Please Note: This is general prediction and results may vary based on aspects | conjunction | strength of planet, rashi placed etc.
As we know, Mars represents action, and energy, courage, valor with confidence, ambition, goal, and power. Commander in Chief planet.
Also as we have read about various house, by now we know that, Twelfth (12th) house is of Losses, Expenses, Isolated Places, Foreign Lands, Foreign Companies, Imagination, Sub-Concious Mind, Hospitals, Hidden Talent and Secrets of Other World etc. Its also knows as Vyay Bhav | Dhvadhash Bhav | Mukthi Bhav. It is the strongest Moksh place. It is also member of Trik houses. Also know as Dusthsthan place.
So when Mars(Mangal) is placed in 12th house for Cancer Ascendant (Larka lagna) it means, Your Mars is in Gemini sign which is a Enemy sign for Mars. Mars is lord of 10th, 5th, house and situated in 12th house. Mars aspects 3rd, 6th, 7th house.
राज्येशे व्ययभावस्थे तस्य राजगृहे व्ययः।
शत्रुतोअ्पि भयं नित्यं चतुरश्चापि चिन्तितः।।
Mars is the most yogakaraka planet for you in your horoscope. You may be spendthrift. The Mars present here gives you opposite results, mostly. But, makes you expert in art of weapons. The Mars present here is not considered good for married life. Also, the position of Mars makes you violent, by nature. Due to over expenses you may become a debtor. You may have younger siblings but there will be struggles and arguments between siblings. You may have dominating and aggressive way of speaking. Mars may also cause problem of reddishness in eyes or other eye related problems. You may find less interest toward religious tasks.
Though you are a part of religious tasks but you may not understand the importance of religion. You may also have some danger of theft, hence it is advised to keep your things safe and secure. It would be good to keep violent thoughts away from your, if they are about your life partner. There may be chances that you may have to get the surgery done, for your elder son. You or your children may go to foreign countries for education. The present position of Mars is indicating that your younger siblings may get posted at higher authorities and higher posts. But, they may have some ups and downs in their financial condition. Your parents may have problems related to stomach. 5th house is most important dharma house and 12th house is most important moksh house. So, 5th house lord in 12th house is indicating native may be very religious or spiritual person. Native may always try to find the truth of life. Native may has good spiritual inclination. Native may be slowly detached from materialistic world. Sometimes spending extra money may create financial problems for you. You are a person who respects sage and teacher. You may be dominating or initiative as per similarly in business dealings. Mars in 12th house may cause for surgery of native specially of head or abdomen. Native may has heating problem. Native may be suffering from hemoglobin problem. Native may has pitta problem such as problem related to liver. You may find creativity in isolation. You may find your lover in foreign lands. It may happen that you may lose company of your children (as they might go to foreign land). Your career will take you to foreign land or MNC’s connection. There may be loss of career or fame for sometime. You may face issues in saving money. As 12th house belongs to eye so native may has eye disease. Native may be suffering dental problem. Obstacles and obstructions will take you close to moksha. There may be some child birth issues or you may adopt a child. Or you may take care of abandoned children. There may be losses from investment and speculation due to impulsive gambling (8th). The heavy expenses can later create wealth and great income and profits. They have good financial management skills. You provide quality of service.
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