What does it mean to have moon or chandra in libra sign?

2 min readSep 2, 2024


Please Note: This is general prediction and results may vary based on aspects | conjunction | strength of planet, rashi placed etc.

We already know Moon represents Mind, Emotions, Mother, Local Government, Peace of Mind, Home Environment, Water, Milk etc.

Libra is the 7th sign and it represents partnerships, business, relationships, etc.

So when moon or chandra is in libra sign, it may be all about relationships for you. Your mind may be preoccupied for relationships. You may be into creative pursuits or like to do anything in creative ways or involving creativity. You may be in work related to movies, media or arts or beauty, etc.

Business may be good for you atleast from mindset perspective as your mind may be inclined towards it. You can become a good diplomat. You like to act fair with everyone. If male you may be under control of women. You may be fickle from mind and restless by nature.

You always want to meet people or socialize with them either for personal or professional reasons. Balance in life may be key for you, as soon as there is imbalance you may enter a anxious or depressive mind. You may be expert in trading or in buying and selling.

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